Briton R22 Refrigerant Gas

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Chlorodifluoromethane or difluoromonochloromethane is a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC). This colorless gas is better known as HCFC-22, or R-22. It is commonly used as a propellant and refrigerant. These applications are being phased out in developed countries due to the compound’s ozone depletion potential (ODP) and high global warming potential (GWP), although global use of R-22 continues to increase because of high demand in developing countries. R-22 is a versatile intermediate in industrial organofluorine chemistry, e.g. as a precursor to tetrafluoroethylene.


Briton R22 Refrigerant Gas Physical Properties

Property Value
Density (ρ) at -69 °C (liquid) 1.49−3
Density (ρ) at -41 °C (liquid) 1.413−3
Density (ρ) at -41 °C (gas) 4.706 kg.m−3
Density (ρ) at 15 °C (gas) 3.66 kg.m−3
Specific gravity at 21 °C (gas) 3.08 (air = 1)
Specific volume (ν) at 21 °C (gas) 0.275−1
Density (ρ) at 15 °C (gas) 3.66 kg.m−3
Triple point temperature (Tt) -157.39 °C (115.76 K)
Critical temperature (Tc) 96.2 °C (369.3 K)
Critical pressure (pc) 4.936 MPa (49.36 bar)
Vapor pressure at 21.1 °C (pc) 0.9384 MPa (9.384 bar)
Critical density (ρc) 6.1 mol.l−1
Latent heat of vaporization (lv) at boiling point (-40.7 °C) 233.95−1
Heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) at 30 °C (86 °F) 0.057 kJ.mol−1.K−1
Heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) at 30 °C (86 °F) 0.048 kJ.mol−1.K−1
Heat capacity ratio (γ) at 30 °C (86 °F) 1.178253
Compressibility factor (Z) at 15 °C 0.9831
Acentric factor (ω) 0.22082
Molecular dipole moment 1.458 D
Viscosity (η) at 0 °C 12.56 µPa.s (0.1256 cP)
Ozone depletion potential (ODP) 0.055 (CCl3F = 1)
Global warming potential (GWP) 1810 (CO2 = 1)


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